Friday 2 November 2007

What is considered a worthwhile performance?

What constitutes a worthwhile performance?
By Zara Pittman

It is difficult to say what constitutes a worthwhile performance due to two main factors; one being the change of time and the other being personal opinions. First of all performance must be defined, is it something we do for others? Something we do for ourselves or a combination of the two?
In my opinion performance is something we do everyday whether we realize it or not.
As time has changed bringing in the media and the use of modern technology, performances have changed, they have become more accessible and in ways more exaggerated. On one side this can be seen as beneficial as performances may apply more to a wider audience, in other ways many may argue that they lack tradition and have become commercial. Facebook has become a prime example of a modern use of performance; we can make ourselves whoever we want to be through the use of face book, portraying ourselves however we choose whether it be real or not. By writing about our interests and our lives to a world of people we know and complete strangers, we all perform in some way or another.
Performance can be considered as anything today, shown by examples on the class blog, but what makes it worthwhile or not, is a very broad question. For example a man drinking salsa in an empty room, has posted it on you tube. Some may see this as pointless, and irrelevant, others may see this as art. A man drinking something that is not associated with “drinking” can give its spectators many things to look into, such as the story behind this man’s short “performance”. Is he trying to tell us something about himself? Is he trying to represent his culture, his heritage, or is he just trying to be spontaneous. As we ask ourselves these questions, we could consider this as worthwhile due to the fact that we are asking these questions, therefore we are intrigued by it. Although this is simple, modern and strange, can a short clip leave us with the same thoughts as an extensive traditional performance? Philip Auslander, who is also posted on the blog, writes about performances studies and is interested in the relationship between live and mediated performances, or in other words the relationship between modern and traditional performances. Auslander quotes “the live can only exist through reproduction” and by this he means the traditional has been reinforced by the modern world today. As time has changed our perception of what is a “worthwhile” performance may have changed. Some may see a worthwhile performance as something that is the new “cool” thing due to the trends and advantages of today; others may see this as cliché or commercial. As listed on the blog there are even websites on “how to be cool”, and traditional plays such as Medea; a Greek tragedy have been computerized? Is this worth watching? Mike Daisey posts random photos and poetry giving the whole world an insight to his life, and his thoughts. All these websites, these personal extracts are all performances, and although they are not Academy award films, or live theatrical performances, these short snippets can still have an if not the same effect on us.
To be a worthwhile performance is not about how well known it is, or who or what is in it, it is not about how it is done but it is about how it makes you feel. Throughout time people may perceive performances differently due to the changes occurring as we speak, but the feelings do not change. A performance can have the same effect on you whether new or old, traditional or commercial. If it is worthwhile, it will leave you with something to take away, something that makes you think about things and remember it. A worthwhile performance is something that inspires you whatever it may be. Everyone may be inspired or interested by different things, but if you can take away anything from a performance that is worthwhile in itself… 

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