Wednesday 21 November 2007


After a meeting and researching, we came across a lot of interesting links, there was a lot of videos and images portraying violence and racism, which lead us to discussing is this a performance? We happily go and view this via the likes of You Tube! This led us to inspiration!!! We want to question the public about this type of performance, and weather they would go to the theatre to see it. Or is the internet our new theatre?
What constitutes a worthwhile performance?

It is virtually impossible to give an exact definitive as to what constitutes a worthwhile performance, and it is inevitably personal. For me, a worthwhile performance has to do one of the following things for me: Challenge me, educate me or enlighten me. That is not to say that performances that are purely aesthetic or funny aren't good entertainment- but perhaps they are not worthwhile to me. A performance doesnt have to be something that is deliberate- ie performed in a theatre, a film masterpiece or a comedian's sketch. Some of the best performances I have seen are political protests, home-made cartoons posted on "Youtube", children's tantrums, or simply watching an awkward situation on a bus, or a couple having an argument unaware that I have placed a frame around them just as a TV does to a soap opera.
Worthwhile performances do not have to be sleek and rehearsed, but I do think it is important that a performance has some something to say that will make the viewer think after the performance after it has finished. When I watched "The Glamorous Kitten Killer" on "You-Tube" I was immediatly repulsed & thought it was awful entertainment, which it is. However, it has challenged me and made me think about the sort of world that we are living in; What stage is society at if somebody has deliberately made a film of brutally killing an animal to ensure popular viewing figures on "You-Tube"? And is it human nature that compells some people to watch the footage or are we turning into a colder, selfish & more perverted & voyeuristic society...?

Posted by Kim

Wednesday 14 November 2007

An investigation into sites that Provoke Racisim.

I began to investigate into site that allowed me to access sites dedicated and supporting Racism,i was shocked and disturbed, at firstly how many sites there were and further more how easy they were to look at. It is scary to think, that by just a click of a button so much.

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Our Project!!

The four of us are tackling the issue of Racism.

We give you this question:
How powerful is the internet in being one of the contributing factors of why Racsim exists in Society today.?

Tuesday 6 November 2007

What makes a performance worthwhile?

What constitutes a worthwhile performance?
By Dineo Moema

I interpret a worthwhile performance as something that is performed and leaves a lasting impact on its audiences. Whether it is a political, social moral or entertainment. To make my answer more precise I will draw focus on performance in terms of theatre. A performance should always show that the concept has stemmed from somewhere; therefore, the performance should show a level of understanding to the subject matter. The performer should demonstrate extensive knowledge around the subject matter, in order for them to leave an impact on their audience. If the performer is able to do so, the performance will be worthwhile as we as the audience are able to connect with what is being performed. I think it is easy to look at a performance and disregard it because we do not necessarily agree with what is presented, an example would be the video of the kitten ‘Animal Cruelty.’ However, it makes the audience connect, think or react on an emotional or even an intellectual level, so it could be argued as a worthwhile performance.

There are instances that could be argued that are not performances, an example of this would be Facebook and Youtube. When videos are posted on Youtube, are they always posted for the purpose of performing? Although people may post them with the intention of fun or light entertainment, they are still performing as their intention is for the footage to be seen. The same can be applied to the new craze of myspace and facebook. Both can be seen as a performance as it allows the performer to take on a character, when using the example of facebook, I question whether it can be valued as a worthwhile performance. This proves that this question is a personal opinion and interpretation.

Friday 2 November 2007

What is considered a worthwhile performance?

What constitutes a worthwhile performance?
By Zara Pittman

It is difficult to say what constitutes a worthwhile performance due to two main factors; one being the change of time and the other being personal opinions. First of all performance must be defined, is it something we do for others? Something we do for ourselves or a combination of the two?
In my opinion performance is something we do everyday whether we realize it or not.
As time has changed bringing in the media and the use of modern technology, performances have changed, they have become more accessible and in ways more exaggerated. On one side this can be seen as beneficial as performances may apply more to a wider audience, in other ways many may argue that they lack tradition and have become commercial. Facebook has become a prime example of a modern use of performance; we can make ourselves whoever we want to be through the use of face book, portraying ourselves however we choose whether it be real or not. By writing about our interests and our lives to a world of people we know and complete strangers, we all perform in some way or another.
Performance can be considered as anything today, shown by examples on the class blog, but what makes it worthwhile or not, is a very broad question. For example a man drinking salsa in an empty room, has posted it on you tube. Some may see this as pointless, and irrelevant, others may see this as art. A man drinking something that is not associated with “drinking” can give its spectators many things to look into, such as the story behind this man’s short “performance”. Is he trying to tell us something about himself? Is he trying to represent his culture, his heritage, or is he just trying to be spontaneous. As we ask ourselves these questions, we could consider this as worthwhile due to the fact that we are asking these questions, therefore we are intrigued by it. Although this is simple, modern and strange, can a short clip leave us with the same thoughts as an extensive traditional performance? Philip Auslander, who is also posted on the blog, writes about performances studies and is interested in the relationship between live and mediated performances, or in other words the relationship between modern and traditional performances. Auslander quotes “the live can only exist through reproduction” and by this he means the traditional has been reinforced by the modern world today. As time has changed our perception of what is a “worthwhile” performance may have changed. Some may see a worthwhile performance as something that is the new “cool” thing due to the trends and advantages of today; others may see this as cliché or commercial. As listed on the blog there are even websites on “how to be cool”, and traditional plays such as Medea; a Greek tragedy have been computerized? Is this worth watching? Mike Daisey posts random photos and poetry giving the whole world an insight to his life, and his thoughts. All these websites, these personal extracts are all performances, and although they are not Academy award films, or live theatrical performances, these short snippets can still have an if not the same effect on us.
To be a worthwhile performance is not about how well known it is, or who or what is in it, it is not about how it is done but it is about how it makes you feel. Throughout time people may perceive performances differently due to the changes occurring as we speak, but the feelings do not change. A performance can have the same effect on you whether new or old, traditional or commercial. If it is worthwhile, it will leave you with something to take away, something that makes you think about things and remember it. A worthwhile performance is something that inspires you whatever it may be. Everyone may be inspired or interested by different things, but if you can take away anything from a performance that is worthwhile in itself… 

Wednesday 31 October 2007

Kates Post

The term performance is described as ‘a musical, dramatic, or other entertainment presented before an audience’ It is something which an audience will chose to see, weather the enjoy it or not.

In today’s society, performance takes place every day, not only in the theatre or TV and radio. But also constantly on the internet, thru the media such as ‘YOUTUBE’, and other sharing programmes. It is hard to determine what constitutes a worthwhile performance, as the material is so vast. It comes down to a personal opinion. For example: During Week 5 seminar, we explored a web page with the thread entitled ‘Top Ten Shock Blogs’. This consisted of 10 You Tube videos, which were extremely shocking; the themes included the broadcasting of bullying, animal cruelty, war, misogyny and work place satire. Some of the class were mortified by the content where as other argued that if the performer had a reason for the performance can be accepted. On a personal note, I can see no reasoning for filming the broadcasting a violent attack! But others may argue it is to raise awareness for the fact it does happen in every day life, therefore by making the public aware and act upon what we have seen the performance becomes worthwhile as it as made a positive impact.

Performances are meant to be shared; there would be little point in a performance if it was to be kept private. But with such powerful tools now such as the internet performance can often been pointless. We also discussed the massive phoneme of Face book, in class, and agreed that it is a personal performance for others. You chose how you are depicted by other, by what you say about yourself, what pictures you put up and weather you tag yourselves in photos or not. To be on Facebook, no longer means to keep in touch with lost friend, but to broadcast and make a performance of yourself, unless you’re honest and show the real you, what your portraying is a lie, and is worthless as it means nothing!

We also looked at a page entitled ‘Weird and Wonderful Blogs’. A page with links to videos which others had taken, including drawings on ideas of what the world will be like in year to come, Hens being filmed 24 hours, and a man in search for a wife. Although at first glance these can be viewed as pointless, it is interesting to note that they all have hidden meanings. For example, the filming of the hens to me commented on how, like hens we to are constantly monitored, making me think about our privacy and raising awareness, therefore like the bullying video the performance becomes worthwhile. On the other hand, it could be just the filming of a flock of hens, and so has no point and is worthless.

Blogging heads was and interesting link we looked at, as it showed to people having a real conversation about current affairs (In this case 9/11). It became a performance once it was broadcasted, and allowed the public to see to different views on such an important affair.

To finish, I would like to comment on the link regarding the High court and You Tube. In very recent news, a member of the public was sentenced, as they recorded a court case on their mobile phone and broadcasted it on You Tube, this is an illegal act. But it raises the question of, why did they feel the need to broadcast such an event? It must have been, to them something they wanted to share, bringing me to the point, that a worthwhile performance is indeed something which has to be decided on personally.

To finalise on what I have discussed, and drawing information from various sources, I think I am just in saying a worthwhile performance, no long means a play, a musical or a Film. With the internet now, anything is possible, and as long as the performer has a worthy reason, or meaning behind their act, it can be see as worthwhile. Even if is to cheer someone up by appearing a fool on you tube! Writing a poem and creating a blog about it. The answer to the above question can not be clear cut; it can not even be answered in full! A worthwhile performance is something personal and something which will constantly change!